Posts Tagged ‘Lady’

Vote: Best Grammy Performances Ever

Posted: November 29, 2011 in News
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Grammy Nominations 2012

The 2012 Grammy nominations will be announced tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 30th), a moment we’re sure you’ve been waiting for. Often the winners or even the nominees are rather predictable, with the exception of Lady Antebellum winning the record of year last year (are you a fan? tell us why? we really had never heard of her prior). And rather than engage in the hoopla of “Will Adele be nominated for every award?” (because duh, of course she will – 21 was amazing), we’ve decided to look back at the past performances at the Grammys.

We can’t declare these the best performances ever since Youtubers don’t seem to represent a demographic that has or is concerned with the Grammys pre-1980—tougher to find those videos than, say, Justin Bieber’s performance with Jaden Smith and Usher (which was readily available).

As we considered and compiled our top performances, we had to consider the magnitude…

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Headless Gaga… Nice.

Lady Gaga performed headless on X-Factor UK.

“Marry the Night” is Lady Gaga’s 5th single off her massively successful album, Born This Way. And should you ever get the notion Gaga’s well of crazy fashion ideas has dried up, well, you underestimate her capacity for crazy fashion ideas. Here she is performing “Marry the Night” on X-Factor UK – headless.


Lady Gaga, who never rests because she is a cyborg, is on tour right now – hit the link to buy tickets and track future shows on Thrillcall.

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Have you ever had trouble uploading videos to YouTube? Ever have the sound muted due to copyright violations? Ever have your account suspended? Well, you’re not alone! Seems Lady GaGa had one of her YouTube accounts suspended as well:

“Reports have suggested that the infringing video was a recently uploaded clip of Gaga’s performance on Fuji TV. Messages left with Gaga’s publicist and record label, Interscope, weren’t immediately returned…”

This makes me feel a little better about my personal videos being taken down, etc. Still sucks though.

Oh my goodness… I ran into this “Born This Way” video by Steve Kardynal about four months ago, and ever since then it is all I can think about when I hear this Lady GaGa song. If you don’t want to change your view of this song, then don’t watch this video because this will probably pop into your head every time you hear it. Hilarious!

Now, I must admit that when the new Lady GaGa album came out recently I listened to it pretty constantly. It wasn’t totally based on choice though. It seemed like wherever I went I heard it. My girlfriend played it constantly, it was on the radio, it was on web radio, people listened to it at work, etc. Then, about six weeks ago I came across this article on Showbiz411 that stated that GaGa’s sales were already dropping by 85%. About 10 days later, they came out with this article, which stated that sales had dropped even more!

This is not to say that Lady GaGa was/is gone or not prevalent anymore, but this info does bring up some questions about her rapid downfall on the charts. Looking at the Billboard charts today, GaGa is down to #12 while Adele has continued to move up the charts – all the way to #1. My thoughts about this decline of GaGa is that it might be from her constant releasing of new material off the album throughout the past year. Many, many people had already heard quite a few of the songs off the new album before it even came out. Sure, I enjoyed the whole album for a bit when it first came out, but after a quick fix I had had enough since I had already heard many of the singles so many times already. Another good reason for the sales decline could be the flash that it made when the album first came out. It sold like mad when it first came out – shooting GaGa to #1 on all iTunes sales charts. It just might be that almost everyone of her major fans bought the album within the first week of sales too.

What are your thoughts on this decline in sales? How are you liking the album?